Saturday, September 8, 2018

Large quantity discounts available for schools and organizations

Contact STL directly,, for a quantity discount. This book is great for small and large group discussion chapter by chapter. Ten book minimum to receive discount.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Antoinette Tuff - a classic example of nonviolence

In August of 2013, a Georgia school bookkeeper talked a gunman into surrendering...
Antoinette Tuff's response to the mentally ill gunman who shot at police, then entered McNair School where she worked as a bookkeeper last August was a perfect application of CLASSIC NONVIOLENCE! She stayed calm, listened to him, focused on his unmet needs, and shared her feelings with him, Antoinette Tuff was one of three McNair staff specially trained to deal with dangerous situations. In one interview, she said, "I thought it was a drill. We'd had training."
I'm hoping to learn more about her training, I have contacted the school, but right now they're having an ice storm, and to deal with that nonviolently, everyone should stay home! --Kezia Sproat

Tuff's new memoir Prepared for a Purpose, was just released January 2014.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Beginning Nonviolence ready for purchase!

Beginning Nonviolence -- Learning and Teaching Nonviolence To Use Every Day is now available on our eStore, as well as at The Kindle version launched on January 20, 2014, in honor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.

Autographed copies available by contacting the publisher at
Reading this book will get you one more step toward world peace - even if just in your local neighborhood.

Happy New Year! Watch here for our book events where you can meet the author.